Modern society cannot do without electronic products, and the most basic component of electronic products is circuit boards. Circuit boards are carriers of electronic components, widely used in various fields such as communication, computers, industrial automation, automotive electronics, medical devices, etc. For the production of electronic products, circuit board SMT processing is an essential step. Through this step, electronic products can be made more refined and practical. This article will provide a detailed introduction to the process of circuit board SMT manufacturing.
What is circuit board SMT processing?
Circuit board SMT processing refers to a process of soldering electronic components onto the surface of a circuit board.SMT(Surface Mount)refers to a form of electronic component in welding.In SMT devices,the pins of the components are set at the bottom and soldered onto the surface of the circuit board.Circuit board SMT processing is a more commonly used manufacturing method in the circuit board manufacturing process compared to plug-in processing.
The importance and advantages of circuit board SMT processing
Compared to the plug-in processing method,circuit board SMT processing has the following advantages:
Ensure process accuracy:SMT devices are electronic components that are highly precise in combination with modern packaging technology.Their characteristic is that the pins have already been ejected from the shape of the SMT components,forming a small volume and light weight,which reduces the limitations on the fabric board and ensures the overall performance of the product.
Helps to improve production efficiency:In circuit board SMT processing,components can be automatically positioned,mounted,calibrated,photographed,and other operations,saving a lot of manual operation time and labor costs.
Low maintenance and repair costs:Due to being directly soldered onto the surface of the circuit board,in most cases,it can reduce damage and looseness caused by repeated pin insertion and removal,resulting in relatively low maintenance costs.
Small size and light weight:Due to the small size of the components,there is no need for wire connections,so the layout density is high,resulting in a small overall size and light weight of the motor product.
Detailed explanation of the production process of circuit board SMT processing
Step 1:Selection of SMT materials
Before starting circuit board SMT processing,it is necessary to first select high-quality SMT materials,which is beneficial for improving product quality and reducing the probability of damage due to poor SMT materials.There are many different types of SMT materials on the market now,and manufacturers usually choose the appropriate materials according to their own needs.
Step 2:Confirmation of component specifications and models
After purchasing suitable SMT materials,it is necessary to determine the specifications and models of the components used.Different models and specifications have different working methods and characteristics,and need to be selected according to actual needs.At the same time,these planned component specifications and models should be recorded in the BOM.
Step 3:SMT patch
SMT is surface mount technology,which is a way to directly solder components onto the surface of a PCB board.Compared to plug-in processing methods,SMT has higher efficiency.The specific operation process of SMT includes printing,SMT,reflow soldering,and other operations.
Step 4:Board making
Firstly,it is necessary to create drawings of PCB circuit boards,select suitable boards,and cut and mill holes.Then,the SMT components are placed into the finished product store through a feeder and sent to the reflow soldering and other post-processing work.
Step 5:Test Quality
This step is used to test the effectiveness of the patch.Evaluate the finished product through close testing and other means to ensure the completeness of the entire process production
The above is the production process of circuit board SMT processing.
Selection of factories and equipment
Circuit board SMT processing requires some professional equipment to assist in production,and the importance of selecting good equipment and factories cannot be ignored.Firstly,we need to put in a lot of effort on the equipment and choose professional equipment among various SMT processing equipment to truly implement it.At the same time,we need to choose experienced factories to ensure the improvement of product quality and production efficiency.
Common circuit board SMT processing techniques
1.Surface Mount Technology(SMT)
SMT is a popular PCB surface mount processing technology,which has always been the most commonly used surface mount electronic device technology in the electronic manufacturing industry because it can save time and cost,and does not require complex processing and assembly of circuit boards.
2.Time Shadow Transfer(LDT)
LDT is a chemical etching method for circuit boards,which is highly efficient,simple,and inexpensive.However,due to the poor quality of the etching solution,it may cause serious pollution to the environment,and the construction of complex circuit boards may be more difficult to achieve.Therefore,this technology is less commonly used.
Preparation work before circuit board SMT processing
Before conducting circuit board SMT processing,some preparatory work needs to be done,including checking the quality of components,inspecting the board,confirming technical parameters,and recording BOM,etc.Performing these preliminary tasks can provide assurance for the entire production process.
Notes and Frequently Asked Questions
During the process of circuit board SMT processing,the following points need to be noted:
1.The accuracy of component selection cannot be lower than that of the machining process.
2.The working environment needs to avoid interference from its magnetic and electric fields as much as possible.
3.Check if the components have achieved sufficient conductivity.
4.The temperature is an important factor affecting the effectiveness of a circuit board.
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